Electronic Invoice Management System

Act as project leader

  • Project Description: It is connected with the company’s original hospital business management system, extracting the tasks requiring manual verification of physical invoices in the business, constructing electronic invoice contents, and centralizing management and assurance.The project uses front-end and back-end separation technology. The front-end uses Vue, Element UI, using Springboot as the back-end framework. Spring Security was used for permission control, Redis was used for caching, Jwt authorization center was used for Token generation, and Oracle was used as the database due to the need to interface with the original system.

  • Responsible for the part: The project was developed independently within two weeks. In the first phase, we interfaced with the personnel in charge of the company’s hospital business management system, obtained relevant database information, conducted requirements analysis and technology selection, drew basic prototype diagrams, carried out independent development based on the prototype diagrams in the middle phase, and made modifications and maintenance in response to the suggestions made by the personnel in charge in the later stage.

  • Completion: Implemented electronic business invoice management and put it into use in the company’s business, improving the speed of manual processing of 80% of the relevant business lines and improving customer satisfaction at the same time.

Yaoyao(Freax) Qian
Yaoyao(Freax) Qian

I am interested in the field of Large Language Model & Robotic & Human–computer Interaction research.
