Law Law: Legal Question Answering Bot

Project Overview

The Law Law project aimed at developing an intelligent question and answer bot capable of handling legal-like queries. The project utilized a Seq2Seq model in PyTorch, where the encoder was constructed with a two-layer bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and the decoder with a two-layer unidirectional GRU.

Key Features

  • Seq2Seq Model: Adopted a Sequence to Sequence model architecture to generate accurate and contextually relevant answers to legal-like questions.
  • Advanced RNN Architecture: Employed GRUs in both the encoder and decoder to efficiently capture the temporal dependencies in the question-answer pairs.


For further insights into the project’s design, implementation details, and outcomes, refer to the GitHub repository: Law Law Project Repository.

Yaoyao(Freax) Qian
Yaoyao(Freax) Qian

I am interested in the field of Large Language Model & Robotic & Human–computer Interaction research.
