Collaborative Management System of Chongxiao Zhong Han Medical Technology Co.

Worked as a technical manager

  • Project Description: An internal enterprise management system that takes the company’s business out of various software platforms for centralized management, mainly divided into pre-sales customer module, operation module, project management module, and integrated management module. The project uses front-end and back-end separation technology. The front-end uses Vue, Element UI, using Springboot as the back-end framework. Permission control using Spring Security, cache part using Redis, using Jwt authorization center to generate Token, using Mysql as the database, support field granularity permission control.

  • Responsible for the part: Conducting demand research and functional design, creating prototype diagrams, completing core modules of the system independently, and subsequently leading team members to cooperate in completing pre-sales customer modules, operation modules, project management modules, ensuring coding quality, and controlling project progress.

  • Completion: The system has been launched, centralizing the management of business itineraries and customer information based on verbal and written records, significantly improving the efficiency of the Ministry of Commerce and facilitating management decisions.

Yaoyao(Freax) Qian
Yaoyao(Freax) Qian

I am interested in the field of Large Language Model & Robotic & Human–computer Interaction research.
